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Del Toro Insurance
July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Another of our best managers leaves the corporate world behind and takes a new step in her career path now as a business owner. Welcome to the Del Toro family.

July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

One of our best managers leaves the corporation world behind and takes a new step in her career path now as a business owner. Welcome to the Del Toro Family.

July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

We are proud to see how this family has chosen to join our Distinctive Franchise System as a life project. We're here to support you every step of the way to success. Welcome to the Del Toro Insurance Family.

July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

One of our Managers at Del Toro Insurance has just joined to our Distinctive Franchise System becoming in the owner of her own business !!! Congratulations on this great partnership!!.

July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

A Friday 12th of wonderful news!! A new franchisee joined our Distinctive Franchise System. The Chilean Community Welcome to the Del Toro family!.

July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

On the eve of July 4, what better news than continuing to expand our Distinctive Franchise System in West Palm Beach. Welcome to the Del Toro family.

June Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Second new franchisee of this blessed Tuesday, join our Distinctive Franchise System. Welcome to the Del Toro family.

June Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Another new franchisee has joined right now to our Distinctive Franchise System. Welcome to the Del Toro family.

June Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Just a few minutes ago, a new franchisee joined our Distinctive Franchise System. The Ecuadorian community welcomes the Del Toro family.

June Del Toro Insurance linkedin

The family continues to grow, minutes ago other new franchisees have just joined our Distinctive Franchise System. Welcome to Del Toro family.

June Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Today, as part of our participation in the Annual Convention of the Florida Association of Insurance Agents (FAIA) held in Orlando, Del Toro Insurance held a seminar this morning to promote the growth of the insurance industry through franchises. Entrepreneurs and business owners participated in the event.

May Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Taking a big step and adding new services, two entrepreneurial businesswomen join our family. Welcome Gordon & Oropeza to Del Toro Insurance family.

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Del Toro Insurance

Fomentando el camino hacia la industria de los seguros

América TV captó todo lo que fue el fórum y la celebración de los 25 años de Del Toro Insurance. Con Del Toro Insurance tienes todo lo que necesitas para estar bien asegurado y además crecer profesionalmente con tu propia franquicia. Si eres emprendedor y quieres asegurar tu futuro empresarial con una marca consolidada!! Esta es tu oportunidad, completa el formulario y uno de nuestros agentes se estará comunicando contigo con todas las dudas que tengas para emprender tu negocio.

Annual Convention of the FAIA
June, 2024

Del Toro Insurance 25th Anniversary

Del Toro is a family business and that has defined much of the path it has traveled to this day. The main reason for starting out in this industry has been to contribute to a community that needs us and with which we feel an eternal commitment. Growth would not have been possible without the support and permanent exchange with our community whom we have tried to serve with immense respect.
On the other hand, we have tried to provide a service that is also deeply rooted in family values because we consider that targeting the well-being of families in a society that is transforming day by day is essential. We have simply delivered transparency, honesty, trust and loyalty, which I believe have really been the key to being able to treasure the preference of our clients over the years.
Time really passes very quickly. We began our journey in a small office located in the west of the county. Today we are a solid company with a commercial presence throughout the state of Florida and an increasingly large group of franchisees who have opted to be part of the Del Toro family, making our business model their own. To our pride, the vast majority have been families that have turned to entrepreneurship and that, today, replicate those values of transparency, honesty, trust and loyalty to their clients.

Health Insurance in Miami, FL

Hurricanes and the Rising Demand for Health Insurance in Miami, FL

Aug 10, 2023

Miami, Florida, is no stranger to the devastating impacts of hurricanes. As a coastal metropolis located in the southeastern United States, Miami experiences these powerful storms on a regular basis during hurricane season from June to November. With climate change warming ocean waters, hurricanes are increasing in severity and frequency, bringing intense winds, torrential rain, and storm surge flooding. These extreme weather events often result in widespread damage and injuries, highlighting the importance of health insurance coverage for Miami residents.

What is a hurricane and how does it impact Miami, FL?

A hurricane is a tropical cyclone characterized by thunderstorms spiraling around a low-pressure center with sustained wind speeds exceeding 74 mph. Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters and draw their energy from the evaporation of seawater. As the storm moves over land, the loss of this oceanic energy source causes it to dissipate.

Hurricane Impacts in Miami

Due to its coastal location, Miami is vulnerable to the impacts of hurricane storm surges, high winds, heavy rainfall, flooding, and tornadoes. Storm surges produced by hurricanes pose a major threat as the rising ocean water inundates low-lying areas, washes away beaches, and damages structures near the coast.
Hurricane winds can destroy buildings, snap power lines, and send debris flying at lethal speeds. Intense downpours overwhelm drainage systems causing widespread flooding across Miami’s flat terrain. Spawning destructive tornadoes, hurricanes leave widespread damage in their wake.

What are the primary risks and damages associated with hurricanes in Miami, FL?

Hurricanes bring major health and safety risks to Miami residents. The high winds can cause traumatic injuries from falling trees, wind-borne debris, damaged structures and flying glass. Standing water, downed power lines, and limited access to medical care in the aftermath pose electrocution and infection risks.
Flooding from heavy rains and storm surges can spawn mold growth in buildings, creating respiratory issues. Contaminated food and water supplies also raise the likelihood of waterborne diseases. The mental health impacts from personal and property loss can be significant as well.

Hurricane Damage

In terms of damages, hurricanes often leave extensive destruction due to extreme winds, flooding, and rains. Residential and commercial buildings experience damaged roofs, walls, flooding, and blown-out windows. Infrastructure like power lines, cell towers, roads, and bridges also sustain damage leading to disrupted transportation and utilities. Agricultural crops and marine ecosystems are negatively impacted too. Rebuilding and recovery costs in Miami following major hurricanes can amount to billions of dollars.

What are the main factors driving the increased need for health insurance in Miami, FL?

With accelerating climate change leading to more intense hurricanes, Miami residents face growing threats to their health and safety from these powerful storms. Several key factors are fueling the rising demand for comprehensive health insurance coverage in Miami:

Expensive medical treatment – Hurricanes often cause injuries such as wounds, broken bones, and head trauma requiring emergency care, hospitalization, surgery and long-term rehabilitation. This medical treatment is very costly without adequate health insurance.

Loss of income – Businesses are forced to close during hurricanes, leaving many residents unable to work and earn an income just when money is most needed to recover and rebuild. Health insurance helps by paying living expenses during this disruption.

Increased mental health needs – The trauma of surviving a hurricane along with stress from injuries, displacement, property loss and financial instability often generates new or worsening mental health issues like anxiety, depression and PTSD. Health Insurance Plans in Miami, FL, with robust mental health coverage is essential.

Chronic health impacts – Exposure to mold, contaminated water and diseases after a hurricane can cause ongoing health problems. Ongoing medical care and prescriptions require Healthcare Insurance in Miami, FL.

Government disaster relief limits – While government programs provide some disaster aid, the assistance often falls short of the true cost of healthcare and recovery, making private Health Insurance Policy in Miami, FL, critical.

Are there any specific health risks or concerns associated with hurricanes in Miami, FL?

Yes, hurricanes present some specific health hazards and risks to be aware of in Miami:

Drowning – Storm surges flooding coastal and low-lying areas can cause people to drown during a hurricane. Major roads becoming impassable also increase drowning risks for any trapped vehicles.

Traumatic injuries – The high winds during a hurricane frequently result in head injuries, broken bones, and lacerations from flying debris and glass. Falls and car accidents are another cause of injury.

Electrocution – Downed power lines and the use of generators during power outages elevate the risk of electrocution if proper precautions aren’t taken.

Water-borne illnesses – Sewage overflows often contaminate standing flood waters after a hurricane, increasing the chance of infections like vibriosis.
Contaminated drinking water also raises the risk of hepatitis A and other diseases.

Respiratory issues – Exposure to mold and irritants in the air post-hurricane can worsen asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Those with COPD are also at heightened risk.

Are there any government initiatives or programs aimed at assisting residents with health insurance in hurricane-prone areas?

The government does offer some health insurance assistance aimed at helping hurricane victims gain access to healthcare services:

Medicaid coverage – Florida has temporarily waived certain requirements to facilitate enrollment in Medicaid programs for hurricane victims who are uninsured.

Medicare special enrollment – Seniors and the disabled impacted by a hurricane are permitted a special enrollment period to sign up for Medicare coverage if they missed open enrollment.

FEMA funeral assistance – FEMA provides some financial assistance to the families of hurricane victims for certain funeral and burial costs.

ACHA health center funding – The federal Health Resources and Services Administration agency provides funding to community health centers providing primary care to hurricane survivors.

Disaster mental health services – SAMHSA coordinates mental health disaster response teams focused on addressing trauma and stress in hurricane-impacted areas.

While government relief provides vital assistance, adequate private Health Insurance in Miami, FL, remains crucial for Miami residents to fully cover medical costs and safeguard their health in the aftermath of a devastating hurricane. With tropical storms growing more intense, comprehensive insurance is an absolute necessity.

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