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Del Toro Insurance
July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Another of our best managers leaves the corporate world behind and takes a new step in her career path now as a business owner. Welcome to the Del Toro family.

July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

One of our best managers leaves the corporation world behind and takes a new step in her career path now as a business owner. Welcome to the Del Toro Family.

July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

We are proud to see how this family has chosen to join our Distinctive Franchise System as a life project. We're here to support you every step of the way to success. Welcome to the Del Toro Insurance Family.

July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

One of our Managers at Del Toro Insurance has just joined to our Distinctive Franchise System becoming in the owner of her own business !!! Congratulations on this great partnership!!.

July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

A Friday 12th of wonderful news!! A new franchisee joined our Distinctive Franchise System. The Chilean Community Welcome to the Del Toro family!.

July Del Toro Insurance linkedin

On the eve of July 4, what better news than continuing to expand our Distinctive Franchise System in West Palm Beach. Welcome to the Del Toro family.

June Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Second new franchisee of this blessed Tuesday, join our Distinctive Franchise System. Welcome to the Del Toro family.

June Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Another new franchisee has joined right now to our Distinctive Franchise System. Welcome to the Del Toro family.

June Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Just a few minutes ago, a new franchisee joined our Distinctive Franchise System. The Ecuadorian community welcomes the Del Toro family.

June Del Toro Insurance linkedin

The family continues to grow, minutes ago other new franchisees have just joined our Distinctive Franchise System. Welcome to Del Toro family.

June Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Today, as part of our participation in the Annual Convention of the Florida Association of Insurance Agents (FAIA) held in Orlando, Del Toro Insurance held a seminar this morning to promote the growth of the insurance industry through franchises. Entrepreneurs and business owners participated in the event.

May Del Toro Insurance linkedin

Taking a big step and adding new services, two entrepreneurial businesswomen join our family. Welcome Gordon & Oropeza to Del Toro Insurance family.

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Del Toro Insurance

Fomentando el camino hacia la industria de los seguros

América TV captó todo lo que fue el fórum y la celebración de los 25 años de Del Toro Insurance. Con Del Toro Insurance tienes todo lo que necesitas para estar bien asegurado y además crecer profesionalmente con tu propia franquicia. Si eres emprendedor y quieres asegurar tu futuro empresarial con una marca consolidada!! Esta es tu oportunidad, completa el formulario y uno de nuestros agentes se estará comunicando contigo con todas las dudas que tengas para emprender tu negocio.

Annual Convention of the FAIA
June, 2024

Del Toro Insurance 25th Anniversary

Del Toro is a family business and that has defined much of the path it has traveled to this day. The main reason for starting out in this industry has been to contribute to a community that needs us and with which we feel an eternal commitment. Growth would not have been possible without the support and permanent exchange with our community whom we have tried to serve with immense respect.
On the other hand, we have tried to provide a service that is also deeply rooted in family values because we consider that targeting the well-being of families in a society that is transforming day by day is essential. We have simply delivered transparency, honesty, trust and loyalty, which I believe have really been the key to being able to treasure the preference of our clients over the years.
Time really passes very quickly. We began our journey in a small office located in the west of the county. Today we are a solid company with a commercial presence throughout the state of Florida and an increasingly large group of franchisees who have opted to be part of the Del Toro family, making our business model their own. To our pride, the vast majority have been families that have turned to entrepreneurship and that, today, replicate those values of transparency, honesty, trust and loyalty to their clients.

How to save on your Commercial Auto Insurance in Miami, Florida

Apr 13, 2023

Commercial auto insurance is essential for any company that relies on automobiles for day-to-day operations. Having Commercial auto insurance in Miami, Florida is not only useful, it’s also a requirement whether you own a tiny business with a single delivery truck, or a major corporation with a fleet of vehicles. Accidents are often unavoidable in Miami, Florida, where traffic is a part of life, and having the correct insurance coverage may help protect your business from financial damage in the case of an accident.

However, with insurance prices at an all-time high, business owners must discover strategies to save money on their commercial vehicle insurance policy without losing coverage. Today, we will take a look at some of the elements that influence business vehicle insurance prices in Miami, Florida, as well as some of the available discounts to help you save money.

Understanding Commercial Auto Insurance in Miami, Florida

First and foremost, let’s delve into what commercial auto insurance is and why it is so important to have when operating a business with vehicles on the line. Commercial auto insurance policies often include liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage. In Miami, Florida, commercial auto insurance is required by law for any vehicle that is used for business purposes, including transportation of goods or people, delivery services, and construction work.

Liability coverage is the minimum requirement by state law and covers any damage you may cause to other people or property while operating your business vehicle. Additionally, although not mandated to have on company vehicles adding collision and comprehensive coverage is smart. In the event of an accident, collision coverage will protect your car, whereas comprehensive coverage protects you against non-collision incidences like theft or weather damage.

In the unfortunate event of an accident, commercial vehicle insurance may protect your company from financial damage. Accidents may occur at any moment, and even little fender-benders can result in expensive repairs and medical claims. Without the correct insurance coverage, your company might be held accountable for these costs, which can be a major financial strain.

Commercial Auto Insurance Discounts

Taking advantage of insurance company discounts is one method to save money on your commercial vehicle insurance coverage. There are a wide range of discounts available, and some insurance providers have their own set of unique discounts. Speaking directly to your agency can help you make the most of these offers however, here are some of the most prevalent commercial vehicle insurance discounts in Miami, Florida:

  • Safe driving discount: Many insurance companies provide discounts to drivers who have a clean driving record with no accidents or fines. You or your workers may be eligible for this discount if you or they have a clean driving record.
  • Bundle Discounts: If you have many business cars that require insurance, you may be able to save money by insuring them all with the same insurance carrier. Many insurance firms provide discounts to corporations that have multiple vehicles.
  • Discount for anti-theft equipment: Installing anti-theft systems in your business vehicles can minimize the risk of theft and vandalism, resulting in cheaper insurance rates. Many insurance companies provide discounts to businesses that install anti-theft equipment in their cars.
  • Loyalty discount: If you’ve been a long-term client of an insurance provider, you can be entitled to a loyalty discount. Customers who have been with an insurance company for a long period are frequently given discounts.
  • Organization discount: Some insurance providers provide group discounts to firms that are members of a professional association or trade organization. If your company belongs to one of these organizations, you may be eligible for a discount on your commercial vehicle insurance coverage.

You’ll notice that the discounts available for commercial auto insurance are typically the same or very similar to those offered for personal auto insurance policies. This means that if you already qualify for one of these discounts on a personal vehicle, you will most likely qualify for them on your commercial vehicles as well. 

Shop for the Best Rates

Shopping around for the best rates is one of the most effective ways to save money on your commercial auto insurance policy. Different insurance companies offer different rates, so it’s essential to compare rates from multiple providers to find the best deal. You can do this by visiting the websites of different insurance companies, using comparison websites, or contacting insurance agents directly.

When shopping for commercial auto insurance, it’s important to consider more than just the price. You should also evaluate the coverage limits, deductibles, and any additional benefits or discounts that each insurance company offers. This will help you find the policy that provides the best value for your business.

Working with an independent insurance firm, such as Del Toro Insurance, is one option to explore when looking for commercial vehicle insurance in Miami, Florida. An independent insurance firm can obtain numerous quotations from various insurance companies, allowing you to quickly compare pricing and coverage options. Furthermore, insurance brokers may assist you in navigating the complexity of commercial vehicle insurance, ensuring that you have the proper coverage to safeguard your company.


Keep Your Driving Record Clean

A clean driving record is essential for businesses trying to save money on their commercial vehicle insurance coverage. When setting insurance prices, insurance companies look at a driver’s driving record. The greater the number of accidents or infractions on a driver’s record, the higher their insurance premiums will be. Encourage your staff to adopt safe driving behaviors and develop a driver training program to assist your company preserve a clean driving record, decreasing accidents, and keeping insurance prices low.

Driver training programs that promote road safety can help to encourage safe driving practices. Defensive driving skills, traffic rules and regulations, vehicle safety measures, and driver tiredness management should all be included in a thorough driver training program. Your staff must understand the importance of safe driving and have the essential skills to avoid accidents.

Many companies provide bonuses or awards to employees who keep their driving records clean or complete driver training programs. These incentives might encourage your staff to drive safely and foster a safe culture inside your firm.

Upgrade Your Vehicles Safety Features

Installing safety devices in your commercial vehicles is another effective way to save money on your commercial auto insurance policy in Miami, Florida. Safety devices can help reduce the risk of accidents and theft, which can result in lower insurance premiums as you will be seen as a lower-risk consumer. 

Here is a list of just a few devices that you can install into your commercial vehicles to promote safety and ultimately lower your risk profile:

  • GPS tracking devices: GPS tracking devices can help you monitor the location of your vehicles in real time, allowing you to track your vehicles and prevent theft. 
  • Backup cameras: Installing backup cameras in your commercial vehicles can help prevent accidents while reversing or parking. 
  • Anti-theft systems: Anti-theft systems, such as alarms and immobilizers, can help prevent theft and reduce the risk of damage to your vehicles. 
  • Airbags: By ensuring you have functioning airbags, you can save money as your drivers and passengers will be less likely to be injured in an accident. 

Raise Your Deductible

By raising your deductible, you can lower your monthly premiums. However, keep in mind that if you do get into an accident and need to file a claim, you will need to pay a higher amount out of pocket before your insurance coverage takes effect.

When considering raising your deductible, it’s important to find a balance between affordability and risk. You don’t want to set your deductible so high that it becomes unaffordable in the event of an accident, but you also don’t want to set it too low and end up paying higher premiums than necessary.

Pay Your Premium in Full

Finally, prepaying your commercial vehicle insurance costs is another strategy to save money on your coverage. Customers who pay their rates in whole rather than in monthly installments receive discounts from several insurance firms. You may minimize the overall cost of your insurance coverage and avoid monthly installment costs by paying your payments in full.

It should be noted that paying your rates in full may not be possible for many firms. However, if you have the financial resources, it is worthwhile to explore because it might result in big savings on your commercial vehicle insurance coverage.

How Del Toro Insurance Can Help You Save Money on Your Policy

Del Toro Insurance can assist you if you operate a business in Miami, Florida, and want to save money on your commercial vehicle insurance coverage. Our team of experienced agents can provide you with personalized service and help you to find coverage that fits your unique business needs at the most competitive rates. With our help, you can take advantage of available discounts and customize your coverage to save money on your policy. 

Contact Del Toro Insurance and start saving on your commercial auto insurance policy today!

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